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Village Vancouver Seed Library Program

Welcome to Village Vancouver's Seed Library!

The seed library hosts a wide variety of se for your choosing! One seed can grow to produce many more seeds.


We hope you'll love growing from seed as much as we do once you see how easy it can be!


Our library provides high-quality seeds that can be grown in potted soils, gardens, or community gardens. We hope you find this program useful, and we hope to inspire more seed-literate gardeners. Using the seed library is a great way to start your seed literacy journey.


About the Seed Library

Our library hosts various seeds, including herbs, vegetables, fruits, grains, and flowering/pollinator species. Many of these seeds have special attributes of being organic or heirloom, meaning their quality can be higher than grocery store produce and create a unique garden or culinary experience. Organic and heirloom plants have more unique attributes and can bring biodiversity to your garden! Learn more about the different kinds of seeds here.

Rules of the Seed Library

The seed library is based on "borrowing" and "returning" seeds.

Please take up to 4-5 paper pods found in the envelopes per visit; each pod should have 6-10 or 25-50 seeds inside, depending on the plant. Please only take one pod from a given envelope.


We encourage you to try to save your seeds from your garden so you can return seeds too! See our seed saving guide for more information.

Where can I find Seed Libraries?

Gardeners can "borrow" seeds from the seed library, plant them, harvest the next generation of seeds and "return" them back to the library- all free of charge! Find the seed library branch nearest to you:

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