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Village Vancouver is the official Transition Initiative for the city of Vancouver and a hub for communities throughout the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. Village Vancouver coordinates, organizes and facilitates individuals, neighbourhoods and organizations to collaborate in taking actions that build just, sustainable and resilient communities, cities and bioregions. 


Our Vision for Vancouver (what we are working to achieve)


We envision Vancouver as a vibrant city at the leading edge of sustainability, where residents know their neighbours and participate in collective actions to minimize their ecological footprint. The focus is on quality of life issues including local food production, distribution, and euitable access, a full-employment local economy, renewable energy, and low-impact transportation.  Residents participate actively in their governance and work with civic, business, labour and voluntary sector groups in planning and carrying out activities that respond to changing conditions and that contribute to a high quality of life for all in Metropolitan Vancouver.  A central focus of our planning work is the creation of an Energy Descent Action Plan, a set of defined milestones on the path toward fossil fuel independence.


Village Vancouver inspires a transition to a sustainable culture by encouraging, facilitating and supporting individuals and organizations to take actions that help people to adapt to changing ecological conditions and contribute to a high quality of life for all and a more just and equitable society.  We hold the provisions of The Earth Charter as the core principles of our understanding of sustainability, resileince, and peaceful co-existence.


Key Values (Principles)


Action: encouraging, facilitating and supporting action towards a just, sustainable, and resilient future for Vancouver


Adaptation: anticipating and responding to current ecological circumstances including climate change, peak oil and social and economic instability


Innovation: encouraging an exchange of ideas that fosters innovative responses and solutions to current conditions


Collaboration: creating the space for those with bridging interests to find common ground and the will to work together in support of just, sustainable, and resilient communities


Shared leadership: supporting the emergence of leaders in all walks of life, in local neighbourhoods and throughout Metropolitan Vancouver 

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